History by LaRoche Leasing.ca ®

Bluenose Launched

Naval Architect of BlueNose

Bluenose Launched

The schooner Bluenose was launched, March 26,1921 at Lunenburg, Nova Scotia.

William James Roue

(April 27, 1879 – January 14, 1970) was a naval architect famous for his design of the Bluenose fishing schooner, which sailed to victory in the Halifax Herald International Fisherman's competition in 1921, 1922, 1923, 1931 and 1938, and held the record for the largest catch of fish ever brought into Lunenburg.

Canadian History

March 26,1921

The bluenose under full sail 1921.* Click photo to enlarge and Credit

Wiliam James Roue Naval Architect.  Click photo to enlarge and Credit.