



01-14-1915 First Canadian Division Arrives in France

01-16-1916 Poet Robert Service Born

01-22-1902 Death of Queen Victoria

01-26-1902 Niagara Hydro Electric Project Approved

01-28-1916 Manitoba Women Get Vote

02-04-1882 Nfld. Poet E.J.Pratt Born

02-08-1879 Stanford Flemings Standard Time

02-15-1965 Maple Leaf Flag Raised

02-20-1965 Avro Arrow Fighter Project Cancelled

02-27-1887 Residential School Act

03-05-1983 Podborski Wins World cup

03-06-1889 Zola Censored in Toronto

03-10-1876 Bell Makes First Telephone Call

03-13-1964 Cyprus Peacekeeping Begins

03-21-1985 Rick Hanson Starts Man in Motion

03-26-1921 Bluenose Launched

03-29-1778 Capt. James Cook Sights Vancouver Island

03-30-1954 Toronto Subway First in Canada Opens

04-01-1776 First Loyalists Arrive

04-09-1917 Battle of Vimy Ridge

04-12-1980 Terry Fox Begins Run

04-14-1826 British Surplus Children Sent to Canada

04-17-1982 Proclamation of the Constitution Act

04-24-1895 Joshua Slocum Begins Sail Around the World

04-25-1890 Death of cree Chief Crowfoot

05-02-1670 Hudson Bay Company Founded

05-03-1915 Flanders-Fields

05-07-1920 Group of Seven First Exhibit

05-15-1919 Winnipeg General Strike  

05-31-1997 Confederation Bridge  

06-06-1997 Hibernia Oil Field Gravity Base Installed

06-17-1845 Artist Paul Kane

06-27-1898 Slocum Completes Voyage

06-28-1981 Death of Terry Fox

07-08-1917 Tom Thomson Drowns

07-11-1981 Okay Standoff

07-24-1967 De Gaulle Incites Quebec Separatists

07-26-1936 Vimy Ridge Memorial Unveiled

08-03-1757 Siege of Fort William Henry

08-10-1954 Seaway Groundbreaking

08-16-1812 Siege of Detroit

08-19-1942 Dieppe Raid

08-28-1913 Robertson Davies Born

08-31-1980 Terry Fox Run Ends

09-05-1760 Huron Treaty

9-06-1535 Cartier Discovers le-aux-Coudres

09-11-1861 First Street Railway in Toronto

09-13-1775 Birth of Laura Secord

09-15-1884 Canadas Nile Voyageurs

09-18-1890 Grey Owl Born

10-05-1970 James Cross Kidnapped

10-10-1970 Pierre Laporte Kidnapped

10-13-1970 Just Watch Me

10-16-70 War Measures Act

10-18-1970 Pierre Laporte Found Dead

11-02-1869 Red River Insurrection

11-07-1885 CPR Completed - The Last Spike

11-11-1918-Armistice WW1

11-14-1891-Sir Fredrick Banting Born

11-16-1885 Louis Riel Hanged

11-20-1841 Wilfrid Laurier Born