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Canadian History

September 13,1775

Birth of Laura Secord

Sep 13, 1775 - Heroine Laura Secord, who became the heroine of the War of 1812 by walking 30 km to warn a British officer that the Americans were planning to attack his outpost, was born at Great Barrington, Mass.


Laura Secord War of 1812

Laura Secord (e Ingersoll; 13 September 1775 – 17 October 1868) was a Canadian heroine of the War of 1812. She is known for having walked 20 miles (32 km) out of American-occupied territory in 1813 to warn British forces of an impending American attack. Her contribution to the war was little known during her lifetime, but since her death she has been frequently honoured in Canada. Though Secord had no relation to it, most Canadians associate her with the Laura Secord Chocolates company, named after her on the centennial of her walk.