LaRoche ®

May 31, 1997 - The 12.9-kilometre (8 mi) Confederation bridge opened. Construction took place from October 1993 to May 1997 and cost C$1.3 billion. Following the election of the Progressive Conservative government of Brian Mulroney, with its agenda for regional development articulated as “Mega-Projects”.  Public Works Canada called for formal construction proposals in 1987.  The Confederation Bridge, provides Prince Edward Island, with a year round mainland link. Fulfilling a Federal Government covenant to Prince Edward Island for joining Confederation.

Brian Mulroney

18th Prime Minister of Canada

"If your only objective is to be popular, you're going to be popular but you will be known as the Prime Minister who achieved nothing."

**Flickr Photo Credit Compliance:

- Confederation Bridge by Dillon Turpin  ca 2015** | Creative Commons

- November 1988 federal election rally in Calgary - Royal Alnerta Muesem | Creative Commons

- Construction site of Confederation Bridge in Borden PEI - Gov. Of Prince Edward Island | - Creative Commons

- Confederation Bridge by Nicolas Raymond ca2009 | Creative Commons

Loved Visiting PEI - Andrea_44 ca 2012 | Creative Commons

- Confederation Bridge ca 2015 by Laila Goubran | Creative Commons

Canadian History

May 31, 1997
