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Canadian History

September 1,1980

Terry Fox Stops Run

On Sept. 1, 1980, amputee Terry Fox was forced to stop his 5,000-mile run across Canada for cancer research after it was discovered that his bone cancer had spread to his lungs. He died 10 months later, but not before realizing his dream of raising one dollar for every person in Canada. "Even though I'm not running anymore, we still have to try to find a cure for cancer. Other people should go ahead and try to do their own thing now." Terry Fox.



Terry Fox Memorial and Lookout

The Terry Fox Monument, situated in the outskirts of Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, is a public monument commemorating cancer research activist Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope. The monument, which depicts Fox is open to the public and offers a panoramic view of Thunder Bay and its surroundings.

The statue was created by sculptor Manfred Pervich to mark the place where Fox was forced to halt his run on August 31, 1980. It is not located at the exact spot where he ended the run, however, but is approximately four kilometres further west; the exact spot where Fox ended the run is noted only by a private marker not readily visible from the road.

The monument was dedicated on June 26, 1982, just days before the first anniversary of Fox's death, by Governor General Edward Schreyer.